MUSIC INSTRUCTOR, Waterford Jr. High School

2022 Music All-Star Award Recipients
Our musical all-star award recognizes students who have work exceptionally hard over the course of the year, and made great progress in their musical education as a result.

Ava Parrett
"My favorite thing about school is music, my friends, and math. I goal of mine is to get a scholarship in music. My hobbies are playing the trumpet, painting, and soccer."
"Music is life itself."
Louis Armstrong
Ava's favorite quote
Yuridia Carino
"My favorite thing about school is band. A goal of mine is to keep my grades up and have a 4.0 GPA. My hobbies are volleyball, music, and hanging out with my friends."
"Hands up, sticks up."
Mrs. Legatos
Yuridia's favorite classroom quote
Lydia Willoughby
"My favorite thing about school is music, sports, friends, and math. A goal of mine is to play guitar fluently. My hobbies are sports, music, and art."
"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness."
Desmond Tutu
Lydia's favorite quote