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Mathematics at WUSD
The Governing Board desires to offer a rigorous mathematics program that progressively develops the knowledge and skills students will need to succeed in college and career. The district's mathematics program shall be designed to teach mathematical concepts in the context of real-world situations and to help students gain a strong conceptual understanding, a high degree of procedural skill and fluency, and ability to apply mathematics to solve problems.
The district's mathematics program shall address the following standards for mathematical practices which are the basis for mathematics instruction and learning:
1. Overarching habits of mind of a productive mathematical thinker: Making sense of problems and persevering in solving them; attending to precision
2. Reasoning and explaining: Reasoning abstractly and quantitatively; constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others
3. Modeling and using tools: Modeling with mathematics; using appropriate tools strategically
4. Seeing structure and generalizing: Looking for and making use of structure; looking for and expressing regularity in repeated reasoning
In addition, the program shall be aligned with grade-level standards for mathematics content.
For grades K-8, content shall address, at appropriate grade levels, counting and cardinality, operations and algebraic thinking, number and operations in base ten, fractions, measurement and data, geometry, ratios and proportional relationships, functions, expression and equations, the number system, and statistics and probability. Students shall learn the concepts and skills that prepare them for the rigor of higher mathematics.
For higher mathematics, the district shall offer a pathway of courses through which students shall be taught concepts that address number and quantity, algebra, functions, modeling, geometry, and statistics and probability.
The Superintendent or designee shall develop protocols to ensure that students are appropriately placed in mathematics courses and are not unnecessarily required to repeat a course that they have successfully completed in an earlier grade level.
Understanding Common Core
External Resources
National Plan
Great Resources for Parents
Common Core State Standards
Since 2010, 45 states have adopted the same standards for English and math. These standards are called the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Having the same standards helps all students get a good education, even if they change schools or move to a different state. Teachers, parents, and education experts designed the standards to prepare students for success in college and the workplace.
Setting the Foundation for Student Success
Building on the excellent foundation of standards states have laid, the Common Core State Standards are the first step in providing our young people with a high-quality education. It should be clear to every student, parent, and teacher what the standards of success are in every school.
Teachers, parents and community leaders have all weighed in to help create the Common Core State Standards. The standards clearly communicate what is expected of students at each grade level. This will allow our teachers to be better equipped to know exactly what they need to help students learn and establish individualized benchmarks for them. The Common Core State Standards focus on core conceptual understandings and procedures well-and to give students the opportunity to master them.
With students, parents and teachers all on the same page and working together for shared goals, we can ensure that students make progress each year and graduate from school prepared to success in college and in a modern workforce.
This brief video explains what the transition to the CCSS means for California.
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson talks about California's transition to assessments based on the CCSS.
Provided by the Council of Great City Schools, this three-minute video explains how the CCSS will help students achieve at high levels and help them learn what they need to know to get to graduation and beyond.