If you have a child already enrolled in the district, you go into your existing parent portal to register you new Tk/Kindergarten student. You DO NOT need to start a new registration (above).
When you complete a new registration, PLEASE VERIFY YOUR EMAIL used in the registration by going into that email account and clicking on the link that is sent to you. If you do not verify your email, you will not be able to reset your password if you forget it in the future.

6wks - 4 years | Early Learning/Preschool through the Waterford Child Development Center** |
Varies by school year (RIGHT) | Transitional Kindergarten |
9/02/2017 - 9/01/2018 | Kindergarten |
9/02/2016 - 9/01/2017 | Grade 1 |
9/02/2015 - 9/01/2016 | Grade 2 |
9/02/2014 - 9/01/2015 | Grade 3 |
9/02/2013 - 9/01/2014 | Grade 4 |
9/02/2012 - 9/01/2013 | Grade 5 |
9/02/2011 - 9/01/2012 | Grade 6 |
9/02/2010 - 9/01/2011 | Grade 7 |
9/02/2009 - 9/01/2010 | Grade 8 |
9/02/2008 - 9/01/2009 | Grade 9 |
9/02/2007 - 9/01/2008 | Grade 10 |
12/03/2006 - 9/01/2007 | Grade 11 |
12/03/2005 - 12/02/2006 | Grade 12 |
**Early Learning is available through the Waterford Child Development Center. Registration for early learners is completed by appointment through the Child Development Center. Call to enquire about openings: 209-874-3301

For the 2024–25 school year, children are eligible for TK if they turn 4 before June 1, 2024.
For the 2025-2026, children are eligible for TK if they turn 4 before September 1, 2025.
Waterford High School is a small town high school that's achieving BIG things!
Early learning sets children up for a
lifetime of success!
Required Documentation Needed for Registration:
Please be advised that for the safety and security of all children only biological parents or legal guardians may register a child into our district. Also, the person who registers any child will be required to present the following documentation:
Parent Photo ID or Guardianship / Custody papers (if applicable)
Residency: Proof of residence from within the Waterford Unified School District from the following list.
CURRENT mortgage/property tax bill or rental/lease agreement
CURRENT utility bill (MID, PG&E or City of Waterford Water/Sewer) with correct name and address
Shared Residency Affidavit, if applicable
If living in the residence of another person, that person must accompany the parent at the time of registration and present their utility bill and current photo ID. Both parties must complete the affidavit stipulating the registering parent lives in the residence of another person. The parent must present their photo ID and then may register.
NOTICE: A registration determined to be secured by false, misleading, or deliberate omission of information to establish residency in the Waterford Unified School District will be considered null and void.
Age Verification: To prove age, the school district may accept any the following (Education Code section 48002)
Certified copy of the birth record
Statement by the local registrar or county recorder certifying the date of birth
Baptism certificate
When none of the foregoing is obtainable, an affidavit of the parent, guardian, or custodian, or any other appropriate means of proving the child’s age
Emergency contact information: the name, address/telephone information for someone to contact other than the parent in case of an emergency, including health care provider contact information.
Other Records:
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) if your child is receiving special education services
Student Transcript/ Report Cards for transferring students in Grades 9-12, for all previous high school classes taken and check-out grades, if during the school year.
Immunization record: Complete record of immunizations for the child (TDAP required for Grades 7-12)
All immunizations must be current as required by California State Law (Health and Safety Code, Sections 120325-120375 (formerly Sections 3380-3390); California Code of Regulations, Title 17, Sections 6000-6075)
Although SB277 does not allow for personal belief exemptions, it does allow for medical and homeschooling/independent study exemptions. The medical exemption can only be obtained from a licensed medical doctor (M.D.) or a doctor of osteopathic medicine (D.O.). There is not a specific form for the medical exemption. Instead, a doctor must generate a letter on official letterhead with the following information:
Confirmation that immunization is not recommended based on the child's physical or medical condition.
Identification of which vaccines are being exempted.
A statement of whether the medical exemption is permanent or temporary.
Signed and dated by the medical provider.
Families that lack stable housing due to economic hardship can immediately register their child(ren) in school without the regularly required documentation. Parents/guardians do need to provide this documentation at a later date. Please let a staff person know if this is your situation. Placement of families in transition or foster children is a high priority for registration, and we will work with families to get their children registered.
TK/Kindergarten Registration Required Documents
As of August 1, 2019: ALL Kindergarten and TK students must be compliant with ALL REQUIRED immunizations to enroll.
Immunization records, which show evidence of the following immunizations
4 doses of Polio (3 if one given on or after age 4)
5 DPT (4 if given on or after age 4)
2 MMR (2 doses given on or after 1st Birthday)
3 Hepatitis B (series must have been started prior to enrollment)
Varicella (Chicken Pox Vaccine - specifically for out-of-state students)
1 Tdap (Whooping Cough booster on or after 7th birthday)
TK/Kindergarten Enrollment Health Form
TK/Kindergarten Oral Health Form
Please be advised that packets will not be processed if the student does not have the required Immunizations.
1st Grade Only
Health Form (Must have been 6 months prior of school starting)
Oral Health Form (Must have been 12 months prior of school starting)