Reasons for Denial and/or Revocation
Negative Financial Impact to the District
Poor Attendance
Available Services / Space
Impacted Programs
Pupil Has Been Expelled
Pupil/Guardian Has Falsely Claimed Residence
Appealing a Decision
Parents/Guardians who are unsatisfied with the decision to deny an Interdistrict Transfer have 10 days to submit an appeal to the school district that has denied their request.
If the matter is not resolved with satisfaction, the parent/guardian must submit an appeal to the County Office of Education within 30 calendar days of the district's final denial. The County Office of Education will make a decision regarding the appeal within 30 calendar days of when the appeal was submitted.
Call (209) 238-1711 for the necessary documents to begin the interdistrict attendance appeal process or visit the Stanislaus County Office of Education at 1100 H Street, Modesto.