Ready to enroll in WISP?
Our schools' administrators are ready and willing to guide you through the process of pursuing independent study. Here's how you get started:
Make the request to change your schooling program in writing (email is fine) to the appropriate school site for EACH child you want to enroll in independent study.
The school will contact you to set up appointment, either in person or virtually, to complete the independent study agreement.
At your appointment, you will complete the agreement and select your courses.
Once the contract is completed, you will receive additional information about the onboarding process for the appropriate virtual education program.
Ready to return to in-person learning?
We are happy to have you back! Here's how you transition:
Make the request for the change in writing (email is fine) to the appropriate school site for EACH child you wish to disenroll from Independent Study.
Once received, the school will contact you within 5 business days with the date the student may return to in-class instruction.