Program Specialist for Special Education

Gary Rooney
At Waterford USD, we prioritize inclusive education and provide tailored support to meet the unique needs of every child. Our team of dedicated special education professionals collaborates closely with teachers and parents to create individualized education plans (IEPs) that promote academic, social, and emotional growth. Our range of services includes personalized instruction, assistive technology, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and behavioral interventions. We strive to foster an inclusive environment where all students can thrive and reach their full potential. Your child's success is our utmost priority, and we look forward to partnering with you on this journey.
Many children are referred for special education by their parents, but in most other cases, children are referred by teachers or other school officials. After a child is referred, specialists conduct a formal evaluation to determine whether (1) the child has a disability and (2) the disability significantly interferes with the child’s ability to learn. Children that meet both of these requirements qualify for special education.
Special Education Defined
Special Education means specifically designed instruction and related services, at no cost to the parent, to meet the unique educational needs of individuals with exceptional needs, whose educational needs cannot be completely met with modification of the general instructional program. Special Education provides a full continuum of program options to meet the educational and service needs of individuals with exceptional needs in the least restrictive environment. This instruction can include a special education classroom, resource specialist program, general education setting, pull-out program, home instruction, instruction in hospital and institutions, and other settings, and instruction in physical education. (Ed. Code 56031, CFR Part 300.26)
Special Education Criteria
Hard of Hearing
Speech or Language Impairment
Visual Impairment
Orthopedic Impairment
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Intellectual Disability
Emotional Disturbance
Specific Learning Disability
Traumatic Brain Injury
Other Health Impairment
Multiple Disabilities